Online Lessons
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Clicking on the computer screen icon will give you access to the pdf file for this digital workshop, that is, the interactive text version for this lesson. As you read through the text, you’ll come across a vid-cam icon – and if you click on it, you’ll be transported to my online video presentation designed to complement that portion of the text.

It’s quite possible that when you click on the icon the first time, a message will come up telling you that you can’t access the YouTube channel. This is easy to fix. Click on the FAQ icon for quick an easy directions to change your settings.

I recommend saving a copy of the file to your desktop as well as printing out a copy to reference when you are away from the computer.
Clicking on any of the chapter images will take you directly to that specific movie online, it isn’t necessary to go through the pdf file to access them. However, you may need the passcode: GOJ-2077