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Design Outside the Lines

with John Marshall
Class Supply Suggestions
Ashland, OR March 30-April 4, 2025 Crystal Room in the historic Ashland Springs Hotel

In this course we will be working on a broad range of designs and concepts. However, while there will be plenty of hands-on time, there won't be specific projects that must be completed in class. With this in mind, it's difficult to assign a complete list of all that you should bring with you. Below is a list of recommendations.
NOTE: I have no affiliation with Amazon. The icon links below are just to help clarify what I'm suggesting should there be any confusion.
Pattern paper - We'll be designing garments and trying them on for fit. Toward this end, I've found that pliant pattern paper, with lines or dots printed in a grid to help with measuring, work great for preparing the initial template.
Magic markers – You'll need some sort of indelible marker to draw lines on your pattern paper.
Painter's tape – We'll be using this to tape pattern pieces together as we try on our prototypes. One or two rolls should be enough for most people. Painters tape is fairly easy to remove or reposition as needed.
Scissors – You'll need both sewing sheers and paper sheers.
Yardage – If you plan to actually work at constructing a garment in class, and you are encouraged to do so, then you'll need yardage to work with. It's up to you how much you bring. Having said that, I'd suggest bringing at least three yards of the primary fabric, and several other lengths, bits, and pieces to add in. I will be bringing a broad range of Japanese textiles with me.
Basic sewing kit – This should include a range of sewing needles, straight pins, seam ripper, awl, thread, tailor's chalk or similar, tape measure, and so on.
Sewing machine – A sewing machine for each participant will be needed for most projects. Nothing but the most basic model will be needed. However, feel free to make do without if you prefer hand sewing. If you're flying in and need to make other arrangements and want my help, please let me know well ahead of time
Embroidery floss – Plan on bringing several colors. Heavy button thread is also a decent substitute. I will be bringing a range of Japanese threads with me.
Iron and ironing pad – I'll have an iron and ironing board set up for myself and you'll be welcome to use it. However, you may prefer to bring your own to keep your project moving along. Be sure to bring an extension cord, too!
Small embroidery hoop – 6" or so should be fine.
Buttons - You may want to bring several interesting buttons or other closures to incorporate in your design.
While this isn't actually a draping class, having a full scale sewing form may make it esier you to stand back a assess your efforts. I'll be bringing a couple with me - male and female – and I'll be happy to share once my demo and class needs have been met.
Purely Optional
Laptop/camera/cell phone – you're welcome to bring whatever tools you like to help you take notes as long as it doesn't negatively impact others in the class.
Garments from your collection - If you have garments in your collection that you'd like to share with the class or ask after, please feel free to bring them along.
Roll foot – I'll be demonstrating using a roll foot on chiffon edges. If you're planning on working on similar fine fabric, consider bringing one along to practice in class.
Beads, bangles, and baubles – Bring along any of those doodahs you've been hoarding, we may find a use for them!
Half-scale mannequin – These are great for preparing a 3D sketch of your idea. I'll be bringing enough for everyone to use at their desk but please feel free to bring your own, if you prefer.
If you'd like to shop ahead online and save the shipping, check out the items on my web page.
I'll bring your purchases with me to class. (The website will charge you shipping automatically, but I'll refund it as soon as I'm notified of the transaction.)

this page will be ready soon,, please check back
any and everything pertaining to Japan from John's collections
access to all of the items available on John's site
fabric for sewing, dyeing, crafts
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