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Did you miss attending? You can still view the YouTube recording, just click the image to the right...
Hagoita Decorations for the New Year
Are you interested in adding to your own colection? Click the image to the left for more information...
Everything You Could Ever Want to Know About Katazome Techniques
Sign up for the whole twelve-program course or pick and choose ala carte the areas you're most interested in. Click on the image to the left to find out more.
Starting February 16, 2025.
Explore the Collection
Insect Repellent Incense for Textiles
Each box includes a set of ten sachet packets of top-quality Japanese-based insect repellent. If you'd like to find out more about the incense to help protect your own precious kimono, click on the image to the right.
Textile of the Month
Collection THREE
-sign up now-
Textile of the Month
Deluxe Editions
-now available-
Below are highlights of what's to be found on this website. Click on SiteMap in the menu above for the most detailed listing.
A listing of all of the publications I offer.
Current listing of all upcoming programs, including workshops and lectures.
From katazome to origami...
Thoughts on this and that...
John's Attic
Items for sale from my personal collection.
A gallery-format sampling of my dyework and such covering the past fifty years.
The go-to page for everything I sell.
Classes available to download anytime, anywhere.

Photos of the finished products produced in my online classes.


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